Preventing genocide through education G-LOG Preventing genocide through education Today's guest on rabble radio wants us to remember how genocides happen in the hopes…genedMay 19, 2019
Why genocide education needs to be taught in Canadian high schools G-LOG Why genocide education needs to be taught in Canadian high schools Most Canadian high school students are ignorant about genocide, according to the Montreal-based Foundation for…genedMay 2, 2019
Education is key to ending the cycle of genocide G-LOG Education is key to ending the cycle of genocide Starting this fall, several high schools around Quebec will receive a universal teaching guide on…genedApril 24, 2019
Canadian students are ill-informed about genocide, some don’t even know about the holocaust G-LOG Canadian students are ill-informed about genocide, some don’t even know about the holocaust Heidi Berger, Founder of The Foundation for Genocide Education, film producer, Concordia University teacher, and…genedApril 10, 2019
Teaching about genocide helps prevent it G-LOG Teaching about genocide helps prevent it This April 7 marks a quarter of a century since the beginning of the 1994…genedApril 8, 2019
Nos enfants et les ténèbres FrancaisG-LOG Nos enfants et les ténèbres Le devoir de mémoire... Ces jours-ci, l'expression est à nouveau de circonstance. Il y a…genedApril 7, 2019
Lessons about hate and genocide being rolled out in Quebec high schools G-LOG Lessons about hate and genocide being rolled out in Quebec high schools A foundation that educates young people about genocide says it is partnering with the Quebec…genedApril 6, 2019
Un cours sur les génocides réclamé au secondaire FrancaisG-LOG Un cours sur les génocides réclamé au secondaire Au lendemain du jour du Souvenir, l’opposition officielle à l’hôtel de ville de Montréal a…genedDecember 18, 2018
Support for genocide foundation in Ottawa G-LOG Support for genocide foundation in Ottawa Mount Royal MP Anthony Housefather delivers a member's statement supporting our foundation's mission to ensure…genedDecember 11, 2018
C’est qui, Hitler? FrancaisG-LOG C’est qui, Hitler? On peut finir son secondaire au Québec sans savoir qui est Hitler. Sans savoir ce…genedDecember 9, 2018