Holocaust survivors react to anti-Semitic TikTok video G-LOG Holocaust survivors react to anti-Semitic TikTok video We asked Holocaust survivors their reaction to a shocking anti-Semitic TikTok video. Here are their…MarcyApril 1, 2021
Nat’s Internship Experience at the FGE G-LOG Nat’s Internship Experience at the FGE The Foundation for Genocide Education works tirelessly to ensure that the history of genocides is…MarcyFebruary 22, 2021
L’expérience de stage de Cloé à la FEG FrancaisG-LOG L’expérience de stage de Cloé à la FEG En tant que future diplômée d’un baccalauréat en relations internationales et droit international, je me…MarcyFebruary 22, 2021